
InfoRoad delivers professional services with a focus on Data Virtualization. This technology enables your organization to set up a single layer to access your data, whether it’s stored in data warehouses, in different databases, API’s or other scattered sources, on premises and/or in the cloud. This virtual, logical layer will enable you to consume your data much faster, near real-time. It results in well-informed decision-making, a reduction in data integration efforts and costs, and will simplify your data governance and security set-up.

InfoRoad will support your organization in turning data virtualization implementation into a success.

Support of Proof of concepts
Guided introduction to Denodo and data virtualization to prove the added value, with your data and/or infrastructure.
Denodo Tool implementations
InfoRoad delivers professional services with focus on Data virtualization.
Denodo Adoption Service
This service defines and delivers the Denodo implementation strategy, based on best practices.
Denodo Reselling
InfoRoad focuses on BI data virtualization solutions and has a strong partnership with Denodo.
Architecture Advice
You consider to extend your current Data landscape with a Data Virtualization solution?
Support of Proof of concepts
Guided introduction to Denodo and data virtualization to prove the added value, with your data and/or infrastructure.
Denodo Tool implementations
InfoRoad delivers professional services with focus on Data virtualization.
Denodo Adoption Service
This service defines and delivers the Denodo implementation strategy, based on best practices.
Denodo Reselling
InfoRoad focuses on BI data virtualization solutions and has a strong partnership with Denodo.
Architecture Advice
You consider to extend your current Data landscape with a Data Virtualization solution?
Support of Proof of concepts
Guided introduction to Denodo and data virtualization to prove the added value, with your data and/or infrastructure.
Denodo Tool implementations
InfoRoad delivers professional services with focus on Data virtualization.
Denodo Adoption Service
This service defines and delivers the Denodo implementation strategy, based on best practices.
Denodo Reselling
InfoRoad focuses on BI data virtualization solutions and has a strong partnership with Denodo.
Architecture Advice
You consider to extend your current Data landscape with a Data Virtualization solution?